Friday, 4 December 2009

Update on Gaga

After Lady Gaga got her hands on the 'Orbit' headpiece I made for Nasir Mazhar (see below) she asked him to create a body piece in the same vain. Unfortunately I didn't get to make this one as Nasir only got the call the week before I was leaving for Berlin but I helped to design and project manage the making from afar.

Polygon ring

Carrying on from previous work and my recent love of triangles I have been looking at 3D renders in their wireframe stage. I find it fascinating how such complex forms can be constructed out of millions of polygons.
This ring was constructed slightly differently to the other version as it is made solely out of silver and 18crt yellow gold square wire.

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Crystalline forms

A necklace and a ring inspired by crystalline forms. I very much like the idea of encapsulated something in the piece which can freely move but not escape. Silver with hollow gold bead.

Engagement ring

A while ago I was commissioned to make an engagement ring for someone who saw my work at the London Design Festival. He gave me a rough idea of what he wanted but the design changed and we agreed on this design. This was my first time using both rose gold and platinum but I very much enjoyed the change from silver. The faceted bead is sold platinum and can be spun in the mount.

Future 80's Glamour shots.

These were some initial test shots while I was setting up a test photo shoot. I quite like the 'Futuristic 80's' glow the rings seem to have from the light levels, the honeycomb background just adds to the effect.